Monday, July 26, 2010

Apps Amp’ing up

Mobile applications are becoming more ubiquitous. There’s an app for just about everything, from accessing social networks, weather and tickets to finding a local store. Apple announced its store has @225,000 apps, Android proclaims 60,000 and GetJar allegedly has @72,000 apps. Most of these numbers are inflated, multi-counted and include different versions of same software. Research firms are scrambling to analyze and measure the market. Juniper research estimates revenue from mobile apps at $10 billion in 2009, rising quickly. Analysts agree it’s tough to measure the market.

GetJar’s CEO likens app development to the music business, making the analogy it takes about the same amount of time to write an application as it does to compose a song; they are sold for about the same price; there are a few big hits, many misses and most fade into oblivion. Developers seem to be reaping most of the profits.

In July, Apple launched a new advertising platform, which allows placement of ads directly within applications and creates new opportunities for advertisers. A platform war may make things complicated in the short-term. Once things settle, we will likely see apps being used as a loss leader incentive to get users to act or buy something else. For advertisers looking for a campaign giveaway, apps could become The Next Big Thing...

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