Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Content Marketing - Periodic Table

Content marketing can greatly improve a company’s digital footprint, increase brand awareness and sales. With such a myriad of tactics available to marketers, it can be very overwhelming. This Periodic Table of Content Marketing infographic published by Econsultancy provides a fun snapshot its complexity. Even the author acknowledged the table is far from being definitive, but it’s a very creative way to embrace content marketing.

There are endless possibilities that can lead to success. A successful “equation” for one business may look completely different for another; it all depends on your company’s goals and objectives.

Key components to consider:

Goals: Your content strategy must be mapped to business objectives, whether that’s to build brand awareness; increase website traffic or engagement; generate leads or sales.

Formats: Content can take many forms, such as images and infographic (like this one), videos, slideshows, webinars, games, apps or a press release. A single piece of content can be repurposed in many different ways.

Sharing Triggers: What’s the creative hook or emotional driver that will inspire engagement? Is the content funny or sexy? Moving or uplifting? Controversial or Unbelievable? (I thought this chart was cool enough to share.)

Platform: There are multiple options for sharing and distributing content, such as a company’s website, microsite or blog; Twitter;
Facebook; LinkedIn; Pinterest; Instagram; YouTube and other third parties.

Metrics: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will measure success, and may include: increased page views; new visitors; organic search metrics; downloads; engagement metrics, etc.

As a marketer, you must first determine the strategy to achieve goals, identify the content formats, platforms and sharing triggers that will engage your target audience, and then quantify a campaign’s success by tracking metrics.

While there’s clearly a ton of work to do, Smarti’s strategy currently looks like this: Em+Nj+We+Bl+Li+Pi+Ad / Pv+Uv+Nv+Nl =Tf+Le+Br+Sa
What does your’s look like?

Need help figuring out a content strategy for your business? Let us find you a Smarti Solution…

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