Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Is Your New Business Pitch Working? - Tips for Agencies

As an agency leader, you own the message that goes out to prospects and the marketplace. If you're using the same pitch for the past few years, it may be worth revisiting it. The agency landscape is constantly changing.

Do you win the majority of pitches you pursue? Do you get feedback on the pitches that don't close and know exactly what happened? Do you know how your competitors are pitching?

Very few businesses can claim that their new business pitches are working perfectly. Most agencies do not get productive feedback. Chances are you're operating in a vacuum.

I'm always amazed how differences in presentation content, delivery and style can affect the energy level in the room and make or break a meeting. A presentation, such as PowerPoint or Keynote, is one of the most poorly utilized tools in a marketer's arsenal.

Here's a few Smarti tips:


* Hand your audience the presentation in advance. There's a natural temptation to flip through and read ahead; they will not be focused on what you are saying.

* Treat a presentation deck like a read-along. Your audience can read and doesn't need you to do it for them. Use the bullets as a guide to make a bigger point.

One cannot actively read and listen simultaneously; visual cues take priority.


* Utilize slides for relevant pictures, screen shots, dramatic visuals and examples that highlight and add color to the discussion.

* Pump up your presentation skills. Learn how to hold your audience's attention.

Your best asset in a presentation is YOU.

Along with capabilities, chemistry and conversation play a huge part.

Granted, some people have more charisma and present better than others. The good news is that pitching best practices can be trained.

An outside perspective can be helpful to identity issues you're not seeing.

Need some help? With the benefit of reviewing hundreds of pitches and proposals each year, I can let you know whether your approach will stand out and make ears perk up or tune out.

If your pitch process is not wowing prospects or winning the business, don't lose heart. Smarti's business development development consulting services can take your pitch to the next level so clients will be captivated by your proposal ;-).

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