When running a business, you are in charge of the message that you put out to your customers and the market in general. If you’re using the same basic pitch for the past few years, you should certainly revisit it. Do you continually monitor your competitor's websites and marketing messages? The competitive agency landscape is constantly changing!
Signs your new business pitch is working:
-Your sales reps successfully close the majority of sales that they pursue.
-You get feedback on the pitches that you do not successfully close and you know exactly what happened.
Chances are you’re operating in a vacuum.
Most businesses do not close the majority of prospects that they come across, nor do they get good feedback on why they did not close. It is also becoming increasingly difficult for most companies to keep up with what competitors are doing. Very few businesses can claim that their new biz pitches are working perfectly.
Because of these factors, it sometimes can be helpful invaluable to get an outside perspective on your marketing pitch. An extra pair of savvy eyes and ears can identity issues you're not seeing. Be sure to review your pitch every six months or at least once a year to make sure that its still competitive.
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