Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Worth It

Working with a client the other day, I learned part of what brought him to me. His in-house team had already spent a year and invested thousands of valuable hours seeking someone to handle PR and marketing for the company. This initially appeared as the most economical route since the company operates in a niche industry that required someone already familiar with it and likely already known within its circle. However, after a lengthy, extensive search, none of many the applicants made the grade.

Talking to him, I knew that underneath everything he said was a question: Are you worth it? It didn't take long for me to begin answering that question—that challenge.

With Smarti’s resources I was able to quickly introduce him to qualified candidates. Soon, it was down to just two. The first was willing to work at a lower hourly rate and therefore spend more time on the project given the budget. The second had more experience, but had a higher hourly rate and was, therefore, more expensive. Was he worth it?

To settle the matter, my client set up a test. He asked them to each write a blog post with some basic information. The first applicant asked for the deadline and delivered his post promptly at the end of the week when the deadline arrived. The second applicant, however, presented his post the following day. It was clear that the second, with his higher rate, wasn't the sort to "milk the clock." More than that, his post demonstrated an ability to understand the industry and his audience. He was a quick study and didn't need a week to show he "got it."

The efforts of both candidates were good and equal to their price, but the second was more worth it. As you might guess, my client, his challenge successfully answered, chose to hire the second, more expensive, applicant.

We all want value for our money, but that doesn't prevent us from thinking about the price. We need reassurance that our investment will return a commensurate value. Clients want to know they are getting what they paid for and more. They need to know it’s worth it.

L'Oreal created a hit when it matter-of-factly stated, "Because you're worth it" and made a virtue of spending more for perceived value. In dealing with clients, agencies have to do the same. More so, they have to go on and prove it. Nobody has a monopoly on their service. There's always alternatives, there’s always cheaper; the challenge for marketing agencies and experts is to show they’re worth it.

Savvy clients realize that saving money isn't always the best way to meet marketing objectives. The cheapest option might appear more attractive, but spending a little more might be the best way to get your money's worth.

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